TANG-AfrikaPlus-brochure-titel TANG-AfrikaPlus-brochure-Inhalt TANG-AfrikaPlus-brochure-inside_1 TANG-AfrikaPlus-brochure-inside_2 TANG-AfrikaPlus_flyer_titel TANG-AfrikaPlus_flyer_innen

TANG e.V. The African Network of Germany


AfrikaPlus #homeishome, Brochure, Flyer and Sharepics


February-May 2021

graphic design

AfrikaPlus #homeishome is a project by TANG e.V. – The African Network of Germany. It is especially for African refugees that informs about voluntary return and reintegration. In the pilotphase 2020-2021 it mainly addresses refugees from Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea and Kamerun. It was developed by experts of the Acrican communities in Germany and offers helpdesks and contact persons in various German cities.


I was asked to design a small brochure (DIN A5), an information flyer and some sharepics for Facebook. Based on the colorful logo and the African culture I chose an equally colorful layout and a playful grid. Pictures and text were provided by the client.